Monday 4 November 2013


Five weeks ago I got on a train, and I began a journey I had never taken before. This journey could be seen as the metaphorical journey of through life that university is supposed to give an enthusiastic, energetic and enigmatic student like me. However, it was just a train. The train that takes me to and from the place I go to study. In all defence I do enjoy certain aspects of my days in higher education. The campus is pretty, and has a pretty fountain. There is a cafe that reminds me of one in college; that's quite nostalgically nice. And I suppose I do admit defeat to say I find parts of my course extremely engaging, turns out I enjoy a good philosophical debate and quite like dabbling into sociolinguistics; but is it worth it?

I have been at Hope for 5 weeks and have spent most of my loan. Not from having a bad ass time in pop world, taking shots and banging bitches (lol like I'd do that) but it's all been spent on travel. I never got a car. I'm spending half my life waiting for trains that can't keep time! Admittedly I've bought myself little presents, kudos to River Island for stocking fantastic clothes and to Nintendo for the fabulous 2DS.

But as much as I moan about my sudden impoverished nature and the fact I can't do the work because I'm lazy it's better going to uni during the day and having the possibility of making something of myself, well the possibility of getting a job I'd like. If I didn't go to Hope I'd be spending all day say on my arse, drinking Pepsi and watching Pokemon so really, I suppose it's quite mentally rewarding. Well, for now at least, I'm still waiting to get on the train of enlightenment but only managing to catch the 7:58 to Liverpool Lime Street.