Monday 4 November 2013


Five weeks ago I got on a train, and I began a journey I had never taken before. This journey could be seen as the metaphorical journey of through life that university is supposed to give an enthusiastic, energetic and enigmatic student like me. However, it was just a train. The train that takes me to and from the place I go to study. In all defence I do enjoy certain aspects of my days in higher education. The campus is pretty, and has a pretty fountain. There is a cafe that reminds me of one in college; that's quite nostalgically nice. And I suppose I do admit defeat to say I find parts of my course extremely engaging, turns out I enjoy a good philosophical debate and quite like dabbling into sociolinguistics; but is it worth it?

I have been at Hope for 5 weeks and have spent most of my loan. Not from having a bad ass time in pop world, taking shots and banging bitches (lol like I'd do that) but it's all been spent on travel. I never got a car. I'm spending half my life waiting for trains that can't keep time! Admittedly I've bought myself little presents, kudos to River Island for stocking fantastic clothes and to Nintendo for the fabulous 2DS.

But as much as I moan about my sudden impoverished nature and the fact I can't do the work because I'm lazy it's better going to uni during the day and having the possibility of making something of myself, well the possibility of getting a job I'd like. If I didn't go to Hope I'd be spending all day say on my arse, drinking Pepsi and watching Pokemon so really, I suppose it's quite mentally rewarding. Well, for now at least, I'm still waiting to get on the train of enlightenment but only managing to catch the 7:58 to Liverpool Lime Street.

Saturday 29 June 2013

You will be happy.

It's been a funny few weeks! I recently finished college and in the week after me leaving I had one crazy time! So crazy my bank balance doesn't remember what happened, and neither do I! Tomorrow I go away to Spain for 10 days with a group of friends and, surprisingly, I really just wanna drink but I just don't think that's good to be on the agenda 24/7!

It may sound like I'm absolute alcoholic but I can assure you I am not! A good friend of mine recently said to me "enjoy these few weeks, relax and unwind" and she is so totally right! I have spent 13 years solidly working towards greatness within my education so why can't I have a crazy few weeks and do things that I regret? Because I suppose, when you think about it, the saying 'You're only young once' is so true, and so apt right now! These next few weeks are essentially the calm before a storm. August 15th is the day we get out A-Level results and is the day I decide if I actually go to uni or not, which in essence is my future, my life. I don't know where I'm headed from here! After this holiday I reach the horizon, the goal, the inventive to continue on and trudge through.

I don't just unwind with a 2ltr bottle of Smirnoff in my left hand and a fag in the other, oh no! Yesterday I went watching one of the most inspiring and uplifting yet heart rending productions of Tim Firth's "Calendar Girls". I had such a fabulous time watching this seemingly high budget amateur production in Wigan's own Wigan Little Theatre. I have been lucky enough to watch every single play they have put on in the past two years, and have renewed my season ticket once more for a third year because the actors who perform here are too notch, and I think to myself "I'd love that to be me up there" I spot parts that I could so have played, but I just don't know what to do. Do I go into a career in media, or do I stick to the life I have loved for the past two years; being a 'thespian'? Honestly I suppose I'll decide that on August 15th 2013 where my life as an actual, working, adult may start. But no matter where I end up in life I'm sure ill be fine, because the good friend of mine also once said to me "no matter where life takes you, you will be happy".

Tuesday 28 May 2013

The Promise of Summer

Nothing gets you through revision and the exam period quite like the promise of a night out. For me June 21st holds a massive significance as on that day I shall once again be braving the sick strewn streets of Wigan. I paint it out to be a disgusting mess but in truth I love it. There's something about the buzz of being out around town that gives you a sense of freedom and ecstasy! You saw my post referencing my first ever night on the cobbles but this upcoming night out promises to be better. College will have officially finished for 2nd years all across the north west meaning so many people I know will be out and about; hopefully meaning I can drunkenly embarrass myself whilst seeing old friends, and hopefully not remembering it in the morning.

However, it is not just this night out I have to keep me going. I have two more drunken events in the following week and then: my trip to Spain. Finally, after months of begging, my mother relented and has allowed to me to be out of her sight for 10 days, and in a foreign country at that! There I plan on being as camp as I can whilst bathing in the sun and peeving on hot Spanish men! But I have to look the part don't I! And that is where the last minute holiday prep comes in. On June 1st I start the soup diet, a diet that quite clearly states the food consumed within the three weeks I plan on doing it. Soup, fruit and water. Add on exercise to that mix and I'm going to be an angry mess but it will be worth it when I go and buy my holiday clothes. A 32kg bag allowance means I can buy loads of new clothes- preferably from River Island and other top high street stores- and try and experiment with a new look for summer, whilst stocking up on comparatively cheap vodka; because for me, this summer will be the best of my life. So I have to man up and look the part in order to achieve the goals I set myself in January, 2013. Bring it on.

Monday 22 April 2013

My first week as an adult!

I have been 18 now for just over a week. And for the first 6 days I didn't do anything to say I'm an 18 year old "man". However, On the 6th day I finally acted like a legalised alcoholic. For the first time I made my way to Wigan town! Before leaving I had a few sneaky pre drinks with my brah and then as soon as I arrived, free shots and £3.00 for triple vodka and Red Bull... Needless to say it didn't take me very long to be... Inebriated! In fact it was the constant flow of that £3.00 beverage that kept me going, the energy from all that Red Bull kept me going from 11pm to 8:30am before falling asleep mid conversation... I've never managed to drink so much, and pull an all nighter, needless to say a McDonalds  was the necessary cure! Im glad that even after all the drama I still ended up having a fabulous time "loosing my town virginity" and also having my first picture taken inside a club! The question cannot be posed as to there being a song dedicated to this night, because I can tell you.... There has!

I haven't only drank this week, oh no, I have booked my driving test and have prepared for that! I have used my fabulously modern driving instructors car, and the comparatively spartan car belonging to my mother! I love driving but surely I'm not the only one who thinks that driving a car without power steering is pure effort! I've been driving for over a year and yet the mother still insists on telling me how to brake and change gear and when to give way and when to do this and that but please mum let me get on with it! But I must admit, the feeling when I put the spare car keys to our beloved Corsa on my Ferarri key ring was hard to beat. So in truth my first week as an adult has been pretty memorable.

Thursday 4 April 2013

The Easter Holiday workload

I have an issue. My issue is that these two weeks are supposed to be a bit of R&R for a student before the final exams start in May. Thankfully I only have 3 exams, but what about those who have 7 exams to take for their A-Levels or even this back at G.C.S.E level? My heart goes out to you brave warriors. Even though I only have three exams the workload I am expected to complete, let us not mention the "optional but we really know it's compulsory" work, is actually rather obscene! I have a theory: at the start of a half term or a holiday you need the first few days doing nothing; free of all educational stress. Then at around day 4/5 (lets be honest at day 5) you can start very slowly easing yourself into conquering the mountainous workload. The general rule of thumb is that you start with the easiest piece of work before gradually getting up to the essays and projects, these are usually done the day before your return. Sadly for me, the day before I return to college is my birthday, and the day before that is my Dad's birthday, and it's rude to sit down in silence for an hour and a half on birthdays. So if I work on my theory that you need at least 5 days to yourself, not including bank holidays because its a day when the government take you out of college, then tomorrow is the day I should start work, well nobody does work on a Friday do they! And besides, part of the fun of a holiday is to re-emerge into the world of other people and begin to socialise again. How am I supposed to do that when I have two essays to write, two plays to read, two 30+ page booklets to fill in, a pile the size of The Eiffel Tower of media "revision" for the exam period starting in May, over a month away. I could come down with some sort of Scarlett Fever before then; and I don't want to be spending my last days using MIGRAIN to analyse the different platforms of The Amazing bloody Spider-Man. You may think that my work load isn't really much, and you'd probably be right when comparing it to others who have 7 examinations in this final push for success, but for me, a person who no longer excels in exams and prefers to gesticly improvise his way through life, this is a lot. I don't do well under this sort of pressure and the chances are I'll fail everything and never be able to go to university, ever, and be stuck working for The Book People for my whole life, never being what I want to be because I buckled under pressure. I suppose "The early bird catches the worm" could apply here to this revision process but lets be serious, I haven't got a clue what I'm doing. Yet I'm expected to get my MTG's when I'm still learning new things, and when added with the pressure of taking my practical driving test; I can already see these next few months aren't going to be for me.

Wednesday 3 April 2013

The first blog.

The first post has to have an impact. I sit here, in the dark and supposedly asleep writing a blog, something I've only ever really thought about when studying them in English, desperately hoping that it will be interesting. I must admit I'm struggling. This is my first post and I have writers block, it is laughable! Perhaps I should specify in analysing albums or delivering directorial views, but in fairness I'd be awful at writing souley about that; hence "Anything and Everything". It's funny I only ever get this stuck for something to write when I'm writing a song or writing an essay on how to perform the role of Konstantin in particular key moments. But I hope this can just be an outlet for me to express my views and opinions, for instance yesterday Nicki Minaj's video for High School ft Lil Wayne dropped:

and as a barb it is safe to say I spazzed! To see Nic stripped back from all the crazy wigs and crazy outfits to something glamorous and grande shows her progression as a person, she recently turned 30 but you couldn't tell I mean she looks 25! And the steamy scenes with Wayne were a slash ficcers dream. So perhaps dedicating my short first post to Nicki Minaj may be a bad move because let's be honest she's like marmite, you love her or you hate her, but I'm a barb and proud and I think this is a fitting way to show my dedication to #TeamMinaj and @NICKIMINAJ herself. So here's to you Onika, on my very first blog.